Ai GradiniPiazza Madrice, 10 Castellammare del Golfo
AddisaC/da Castellaccio 81/C Castellammare del Golfo

Tag: Riserva dello Zingaro

Zingaro nature reserve
Zingaro nature reserve

The reserve extends in the western part of the Gulf of Castellammare and up to San Vito lo Capo, extending along 7 km of coastline and almost 1700 hectares of unspoiled nature. It remains one of the few tracts of the Sicilian coast without coastal roads. The reserve is accessible only through pedestrian routes that lead into the beautiful coves,…

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Ai Gradini: Piazza Madrice, 10 - Castellammare del Golfo
Addisa: C.da Castellaccio, 81/C - Castellammare del Golfo

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